Hello! We are a team of enthusiastic facilitators/designers, who believe that anyone can make an impact and create the world we all want to live in. First step is to IMAGINE… Our aim is to encourage people to act towards a positive, sustainable future. We support them through creative work, providing them with specific tools and knowledge on how to design or redesign futures.

M-Powered Project

My name is Kasia and I am an imagination witch and creativity fanatic believer ;). I joined the Future Ambassadors team because I want to have an impact on my and our planet futures. I would like to be an active member of the community who makes a difference, share positive experiences and encourage each other to do more for the Planet. How do I imagine the future? As imagination is limitless, I imagine the future in bright colors.

What am I doing to contribute to a better future? I follow the motto “Do what you can, with what have, where you are” (T. Roosevelt) and facilitate creative workshops, events, labs for people, ready to impact their future.

M-Powered Project

I’m Marzena from M-Powered Projects and joined the team of Future Ambassadors because I would like to share my knowledge and experience about creative methods to boost youth imagination. 

How do I imagine the future? Future depends on all of us and I believe that with openness and willingness we can shape it the way it’ll serve the planet and humankind.

What am I doing to contribute to a better future? I help people to boost their creativity and to create and work according to their work-life balance principles. 

Art Square

I am Magdalena from Luxembourg.  I am happy to be in a team of the Future Ambassadors because I think we have disseminated the new competences together, build a critical mass of future thinkers and share the world of tomorrow. There is no time to waste! 

What am I doing to contribute to a better future? In my daily work I facilitate creative processes using Design Thinking with companies, social enterprises and public bodies in Luxembourg. I help them to imagine possible future scenarios, choose a “desired scenario” and help them to build a roadmap how to get there.

Art Square

My name is Piotr and I am creativity geek. I’m in Team Futures Ambassadors because I believe that what we do today shapes the future. I know that there is no single future, and what we do today shapes what future we will wake up in. For me, an integral part of thinking about the future is creativity! Many solutions already exist, we just need to imagine a world in which these solutions, new initiatives that I like and support are the norm. What will the world look like then?
How do I imagine the future? The future is undefined, there are many. But I know that what I do today, what initiatives I support, promote, shape the future. What am I doing to contribute the better future? I support individuals to be creative, build and imagine new solutions. My favorite question is What if….

University of Turku

My name is Vesa. I work with international development projects and also teach Entrepreneurship. 

I am in Team Futures Ambassadors because everybody should know that they can influence what their future is going be like.

What am I doing to contribute the better future? I want to empower youth to vision the good future and to encourage them to work towards it. We all should talk about our visions of future and choose together what would be a better future for all of us.

Noémie Escortell

I am Noémie, a cooperation project manager strongly involved in supporting Social and Solidarity Economy. I joined Future Ambassadors because I deeply believe, that we can all contribute to design collectively and creatively a future that is more respectful of humans and the earth. It is accessible to all to imagine and create better futures.

How do I imagine the future? A sustainable world that places cooperation and solidarity as the common thread linking future generations.

What am I doing to contribute the better future? I’m engaged in local and sustainable initiatives that will gather people. I’m also spreading the word that cooperation is worth more than competition!

We warmly invite You to join our Future Ambassadors’ community. There are several ways to become an active member of our team. You can choose one (or more) from the following:

  • Send us a short description of a workshop you facilitated. It can be either a workshop based on our toolkit scenario or your own original project. We will contact you and share your experience on our webpage.
  • Send us research, surveys or reports you participated in or managed which refer to the future, sustainability, creativity or youth in general. We will add you to our team and share the results of your work.
  • Send us a proposal of content that we can use to enrich our Online Toolbox in one of these 3 sections: Creativity Base, Design the Futures, Inspiration for the Futures

Please do not hesitate and contact one of us: Kasia (kasia@m-powered.eu) or Piotr (piotr@artsquarelab.net) . We are waiting for you!