Description :

This exercise is a great way to connect ideas and build complex solutions.You can use this method when your team comes up with a large group of ideas that need to be evaluated and selected.

Methodology :
  1. Using different coloured pens, circle related ideas with the same color. It’s important to resist creating labels or names for the colors for as long as possible.
  2. Once 3 or 4 different colors are being used, THEN begin to list the ideas by color on a separate sheet of paper as you continue to review the list of options.
  3. Continue sorting by color until every idea belongs to at least one color. By this time a label or name should become obvious.

The following questions might be useful:

  • What are the labels of the idea groups?
  • Can you imagine how you would develop these ideas?
  • Can you build on ideas that are similar?
Time :
10’ – 30’
Materials :
  • Paper
  • Coloured pens or markers
Outcomes :

Grouping and labeling of ideas